понедельник, 29 марта 2010 г.


Oculum Praedicatoris

components set on 20.03.2010
composition of spirits completed on 20th March 2010, 20:32 (vernal equinox)
Kotlin island, Kronstadt, HERMETAGE research archive

the trunk, main vessel:
70 ml. spirit 51%, distillation №153, derived on 21st June 2009, 09:45 (summer solstice)
the trunk, immersion vessel:
13 ml. spirit 51%, distillation №153, derived on 20th March 2009, 14:44 (vernal equinox)
composition of spirits completed on 21 december 2009, 20:47 (winter solistice)

base, vessel containing pupil:
27.3 ml. спирт 51%,  proportional composition of spiritsderived on vernal equinox and summer solstice 2009,accomplishment on 20th March 2009, 14:44 (vernal equinox)

+in a brass socket a vessel is placed, containing the pupil
filled with the conjunction of the head and body
(distillation of the vernal equinox and summer solstice)

over the pupil located vessel with submersible vessel -
in the body of the summer solistice the head of the vernal exuinox+

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